2024 NAPSI Instructor Development Workshop - Dec. 5 - 8, 2024!  Click HERE For More Details!

N.A.P.S.I. Instructor Code of Ethics

    1. The perceived benefit must significantly outweigh the potential risks associated with any training activity we take part in.  All training activities and range exercises should be scrutinized before they are performed to establish a benefit versus risk analysis. It is our belief that the training activities contained in each of the N.A.P.S.I. course lesson plans meet this standard when conducted as they are written. It is never acceptable to perform any training activity if it appears unsafe for any reason. This extends beyond conducting N.A.P.S.I. coursework to any course you participate in regardless of your role. You should never place yourself in a training situation that you may have regrets about in the future.

    2. Our students trust us to provide a quality training experience and that trust will not be compromised for any reason.  Your student's needs should come second only to the overall safety of each student and trainer involved in the course. They have placed their trust in you by giving you their time and money. Their time and money are valuable. You have a responsibility to ensure their trust was not misplaced by providing them with a high-quality training experience. Their resources should not be wasted in an effort to sell them products or other services.

    3.  We have an obligation to be honest with our students and provide them with accurate information even if it means the answer to a question is: “I don’t know.”  You don't know everything and that's okay. If your student asks you a question that you can't answer you should never try to “make up” a response. Find the correct information for them and let them know as soon as possible even if it means calling or emailing them after the class has concluded.

    4.  Our obligation to our students does not end at the conclusion of a class.  As a N.A.P.S.I. Approved Coach or Instructor, you are expected to maintain a student/trainer relationship with your students if they desire to do so. Provide them with your contact information so they can come to you to get accurate information rather than obtaining information from a less reliable source. Be willing to mentor newer and less-experienced shooters.

    5.  We recognize the importance of the continuing education process and we will do our best to maintain a high level of knowledge and skills.  As a N.A.P.S.I. Approved Coach or Instructor, you should make an effort to obtain relevant defensive instruction from at least one outside instructor or organization each year. Be absolutely certain you are going to a reputable instructor that will provide you high quality training.      

eth·ics:  a set of moral principles that govern a person's or group's behavior and conduct.

In order for any organization to succeed, it must be cared for and maintained by quality people.  As such, N.A.P.S.I. demands the highest level of integrity and dedication from anyone who earns the title of N.A.P.S.I. Approved Coach or Instructor.  In addition to a stringent application and vetting process, and an exhaustive Instructor Development Program, all N.A.P.S.I. Approved Coaches and Instructors must agree, in writing, to conduct themselves in accordance with our Instructor Code of Ethics before being allowed access to N.A.P.S.I. approved coursework.